Sunday, 21st January…

This weekend I would like to welcome to our parish Sue Longhurst who is doing great work with Youth in the Bromley Deanery. She will be speaking to us about the Faith in Action programme at the 8.00am, 9.30am and 5.30pm Masses. I would also like to welcome Stuart Buchanan

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Our Youth Club

St Edmund’s Youth club is restarting in January here in Beckenham. We will meet on the fourth Saturday of the month from 7 to 9pm at the Parish Hall. The next meeting dates are: 27th January 2018 24th February Refreshments are provided and it’s a great opportunity to meet friends, make new ones and

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9.30am Mass Refreshments

We are looking for new volunteers for the refreshments after 9.30am Sunday Mass. Usually this would be 2 or 3 times a year. The new rota will start in March. It is a great way of meeting people and it would be lovely to see some new or old faces,

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Add Your Voice to Our Folk Choir

Those who come to the 5:30pm  Mass will have noticed that we have completed our new songbooks (hurray, at last!) and this of course means that the old ones are no longer needed. If you would like to keep a copy of the old book please ask a member of

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Our International Day – Get Involved

We are celebrating International Day in our Parish on Saturday, January 27. This will be in the form of Mass at 12 noon, followed by a reception in the Church Hall. We need volunteers to make this a success. If you are able to help with this event please join us for a

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Make a Difference with CAFOD

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION? Become a volunteer with CAFOD. Make 2018 the year you meet new friends, inspire others to act for social justice, and use your skills to help our sisters and brothers working to overcome poverty around the globe. We are especially looking for: – Confident public speakers who could visit schools or churches

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Calling Musicians: CYM Bromley Deanery Choir 2018

As part of the continuing programme of initiatives for young people in Bromley Deanery, we would like to explore the possibility of starting a choir and/or youth orchestra in 2018. We would like to hear from anyone who is interested in getting involved and at this stage specifically from professional musicians/musical directors who would like to be

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Christmas at St. Edmund’s

All our welcome to our Christmas Day Masses, as detailed on our home page. Owing to the exceptional number of people normally attending our Christmas Vigil Mass at 6pm and Midnight Mass, it will be possible to administer Holy Communion only under the form of the host; the chalice will not be available to

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A Family Affair – For the World

Looking for a way to develop your own faith and that of your family? Are you trying to rediscover the role of marriage and family life in the modern world? If the answer is ‘yes’, then the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) taking place in August 2018 will definitely be of

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You Can Now Visit our Christmas Crib

Please visit our Christmas Crib. Donations welcome. All the money raised will go to support the Catholic Children’s Society Crisis Fund which provides one-off emergency grants to support children and families who are experiencing a crisis in their lives.  

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