Faith In Action Award 2018

Faith in Action is a national award scheme for young people aged between 9-18yrs.   There are four levels of the award: Pin, Bronze, Silver and Gold and each one challenges young people to make a difference in the world through service to others.   By combining practical activities which positively contribute

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Church Flowers

Any parishioner can make a donation towards the cost of our Altar flowers or have them dedicated for a particular reason e.g. Baptism, birthday, ‘special wedding anniversary’, ‘In Thanksgiving’ or ‘In Loving Memory’. These extra donations help me to ‘stretch’ the flower fund in order to provide flowers throughout the year. All contributions, modest or otherwise,

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International Day – Photos and Thanks!

Thank you to everybody who joined us on International Day. The day was a brilliant portrayal of the unity within the diversity of our parish community, it was a good turnout despite the weather and everybody seemed to have a good time. Thanks once again to everybody who contributed; by

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Marriage Preparation

In the Southwark Diocese it is necessary for couples wanting to get married to contact their priest six months ahead of their intended wedding date. This is to allow sufficient time for them to attend the obligatory Marriage Preparation Course and also for the clergy to complete the necessary paperwork. Our priests would prefer to

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This Weekend at St. Edmund’s

Please join us for our International Day Mass at 12 noon on Saturday, followed by food, music and friendship in the Church Hall. You can help by bringing a plate of your traditional food and/or wine to share. Also this weekend we have our regular collection of items for asylum seekers and refugees living

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Healing Service

Throughout the gospels there are countless examples of Jesus’  healing ministry and examples too of how that ministry was carried out by his disciples in the Acts of the Apostles. This ministry is as vital today as it was then for people are still crying out for healing in body, mind and spirit. Fr Fio

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Sunday, 21st January…

This weekend I would like to welcome to our parish Sue Longhurst who is doing great work with Youth in the Bromley Deanery. She will be speaking to us about the Faith in Action programme at the 8.00am, 9.30am and 5.30pm Masses. I would also like to welcome Stuart Buchanan

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Our Youth Club

St Edmund’s Youth club is restarting in January here in Beckenham. We will meet on the fourth Saturday of the month from 7 to 9pm at the Parish Hall. The next meeting dates are: 27th January 2018 24th February Refreshments are provided and it’s a great opportunity to meet friends, make new ones and

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9.30am Mass Refreshments

We are looking for new volunteers for the refreshments after 9.30am Sunday Mass. Usually this would be 2 or 3 times a year. The new rota will start in March. It is a great way of meeting people and it would be lovely to see some new or old faces,

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Add Your Voice to Our Folk Choir

Those who come to the 5:30pm  Mass will have noticed that we have completed our new songbooks (hurray, at last!) and this of course means that the old ones are no longer needed. If you would like to keep a copy of the old book please ask a member of

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