NEWT Fundraising Event – Saturday 15 March

Deacon Sean’s Ghana charity NEWT is holding a fundraising evening so it can continue to support young people at school and university, or in following apprentice training. Tickets at or call 07837 214601. If you are intending to join us for this fun evening of live music, please can

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Mothers’ Prayers

This group was formed thirty years ago by two grandmothers who felt led by the Lord to pray in a special way for their children They felt that they should bring all the pain and the worries they had for their children to Him and to trust in His words

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Help Shape the Future of our Archdiocese

In last weekend’s pastoral letter the Archbishop invited you to play a vital role in shaping the future of our Archdiocese. He encouraged everyone to reflect on the themes in the Called to Bear Fruit booklet and participate in small group discussions over the coming weeks. Here’s how you can

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Our 300 Club

Thank you to all the 300 Club members: your involvement is invaluable. In 2024 we peaked at 227 members, generating just under £9,000 for the Parish (before deduction of the monthly draws). This funded the refurbishment of the book shop as well as the purchase of new smart and stackable

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Jubilee 2025 – HOPE

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and New year. On behalf of the clergy and staff a big thank you for your good wishes, gifts and cards throughout the Advent and Christmas Seasons. May I also express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who throughout the year have

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Just Press Play! The Bible in a Year

Last December I wrote a piece for the newsletter, inviting fellow parishioners to consider a new year’s resolution to become more familiar with the bible. I mentioned in particular the Bible in a Year podcast, led by Fr Mike Schmitz, a youngish and very enthusiastic American Catholic priest. Over 365

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Our Christmas Masses

Our Christmas Masses take a great deal of organising to enable them to run smoothly. There are many tasks that need to be done and our priests are always grateful for offers of assistance. Once you have decided which Mass you will be attending why not contact one of the

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300 Club

We are thrilled that thanks to the money raised by the 300 Club we have been able to replace our old blue plastic chairs with ones that can be stored and moved about on trolleys. They will all be kept in the Hall so are easily reached. All the old

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