This Weekend – CAFOD Lent Appeal

Friday 23 February is CAFOD Lent Fast Day. Please try to give something up on that day and make a donation to this weekend’s appeal for CAFOD’s work. There are envelopes at the back of the church for you to take home and return. If you are a taxpayer please put your details on the

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Lent Events in Beckenham

St Edmund’s Parishioners are cordially invited to join some Lent sessions taking place at other CTiB Churches: Penge Congregational Church, Kenilworth Road/High Street Penge is running The Bible Through Art, led by Chris McShane. This is a repeat of a very successful course from 2017. Timings are 7.30-9.00pm in the Vestry at PCC on five Tuesdays

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First Sunday of Lent

This Sunday you will hear how Jesus is driven into the wilderness by the spirit. What ensued was forty days and forty nights of fasting. It may help us in the first week of  our Lenten journey to identify with Jesus and to see our time in the desert as a period of

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Centre for Catholic Formation

All parishioners but particularly catechists, readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Sacristans and MCs are invited to sign up to a new monthly email from the Centre for Catholic Formation which is the education centre for our Southwark Diocese. These monthly emails will contain details of courses, events, resources

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Ash Wednesday – Starting A Positive Journey

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten journey. I am sure some of you need no reminding of this! Too often the Season of Lent can be seen as a miserable and joyless period of time endured with gritted teeth and dogged determination. However, Lent can be, for all of us, a

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Faith In Action Award 2018

Faith in Action is a national award scheme for young people aged between 9-18yrs.   There are four levels of the award: Pin, Bronze, Silver and Gold and each one challenges young people to make a difference in the world through service to others.   By combining practical activities which positively contribute

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Church Flowers

Any parishioner can make a donation towards the cost of our Altar flowers or have them dedicated for a particular reason e.g. Baptism, birthday, ‘special wedding anniversary’, ‘In Thanksgiving’ or ‘In Loving Memory’. These extra donations help me to ‘stretch’ the flower fund in order to provide flowers throughout the year. All contributions, modest or otherwise,

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International Day – Photos and Thanks!

Thank you to everybody who joined us on International Day. The day was a brilliant portrayal of the unity within the diversity of our parish community, it was a good turnout despite the weather and everybody seemed to have a good time. Thanks once again to everybody who contributed; by

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Marriage Preparation

In the Southwark Diocese it is necessary for couples wanting to get married to contact their priest six months ahead of their intended wedding date. This is to allow sufficient time for them to attend the obligatory Marriage Preparation Course and also for the clergy to complete the necessary paperwork. Our priests would prefer to

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This Weekend at St. Edmund’s

Please join us for our International Day Mass at 12 noon on Saturday, followed by food, music and friendship in the Church Hall. You can help by bringing a plate of your traditional food and/or wine to share. Also this weekend we have our regular collection of items for asylum seekers and refugees living

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