Stations of the Cross

Our first Stations of the Cross will be on the evening of Ash Wednesday. Each time we make this journey we will follow the route that Jesus took as he went to his death on the cross. Each week the service will be led by a different parish group so

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Syria-Turkey Earthquake

CAFOD is responding with support of the provision of food, water, shelter, medical assistance and winter kits for survivors. Your donations in recent months have made that quick response possible. Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. Your

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Marriage and Family Life Courses

The Marriage and Family Life team for Southwark Diocese has three opportunities starting in February for parishioners to join online groups very much in line with areas that people asked about in the synodal discussions. BUILDING A BETTER MARRIAGE This Saturday morning online session on February 18 is aimed at

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Church Shop

We now have a small team of volunteers who will be opening the church shop after Mass as often as they can. Thank you to Breda, Cornel, Kathryn, Miriam, Pauline and Sirus. Please come and say hello and see what we can tempt you with!! Following Fr Ashley’s homily last

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Marriage Preparation

In the Southwark Diocese couples wishing to marry in church are asked to contact their parish priest at least six months ahead of their intended wedding date. This is to allow sufficient time for them to attend the Marriage Preparation Course but also for all paperwork to be completed. Our

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Giving our Time and Using our Talents

I am truly grateful to those parishioners whose diligence in keeping our parish going often goes unnoticed. Without them we would be seriously struggling. I also want to express my appreciation to those who attended the six synodal meetings over November and December of last year and to Emma for

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Parish Renovation – An Update

The first round of Parish Renovation meetings has taken place and it has been an amazing journey so far! There have been familiar faces and many new ones who have come together with a desire to renovate the parish. I would like to thank everyone who has given up their

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The Tablet and The Pastoral Review

In this parish we have been subscribing for some years to the weekly journal The Tablet (the only surviving weekly printed Catholic paper) and its sister quarterly journal, the Pastoral Review. Both publications give us a very good way of deepening our faith and keeping up to date with what

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Peace Sunday, 15 January

Next Sunday, 15 January, is PEACE SUNDAY and this year the message from Pope Francis tells us: ‘No one can be saved alone. Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace’. He asks us: ‘What did we learn from the pandemic? What new paths should we follow to cast

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New Year Updates

Next Friday is the feast of the Epiphany, a holy day of obligation. There was an error on the back page of the Newsletter circulated last week. Masses will be as follows: Thursday 5 January Mass 10 am No Mass at 6 pm Vigil Mass 730 pm Friday 6 January

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