Lent at St Edmund’s

A Lenten Reconciliation Service will be held at St Mark’s, West Wickham on Friday, 22 March. This service is for all the parishes in the Bromley Deanery and this year is being hosted by Fr Ashley at St Mark’s. It will follow Stations of the Cross which begins at 6.00

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The Divine Mercy Apostolate

This afternoon of Reflection, on 10 February from 1.30 – 4.30 pm, will include teachings on the Message of Mercy, Holy Mass, Way of the Cross, Hour of Mercy with Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. Everyone is welcome to come for this. Please call

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Refreshments after 9.30 am Sunday Mass

We are happy to have restarted refreshments after the 9.30 Family Mass on Sundays. For it to continue each week we really need more help. People to join the rota to serve the drinks are always needed, but we also need a rota of people to spend a few minutes

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300 Club

Thank you to all of you for continuing to support St Edmund’s by having a number or two or three in the monthly draw for the 300 Club. Thanks to your generosity the 300 Club have been able to make funds available to purchase new garden tables and chairs in

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Fr Ashley

There will be a special Mass for Fr Ashley to celebrate, and thank him, for his 27 years of service at St Edmunds and this will be on Saturday 20 January at 6pm followed by a reception in the hall to which everyone is invited. There is also a collection

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A Time to Reflect

Happy New Year! January is a time both to look back and to look forward, to reflect on what went well in 2023 and what didn’t, and to anticipate the potential of a new year and the good things that it will bring. Many of us make resolutions for the

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New Year’s Resolution??

Have you ever started the year resolving to read through the whole bible – or resolving to increase your knowledge and understanding of the bible? I’ve tried many times and failed! This year I discovered a plan that worked!! Not only will I have read (with 18 days to go)

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SVP Christmas Lunch

What a fantastic SVP Christmas lunch we all enjoyed in the church hall last Monday. We welcomed 77 of our parishioners and friends to a delicious three course traditional Christmas lunch cooked that morning. A quartet of cellists played for the first half of the lunch and then a choir

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Family Mass at St Edmund’s

Why is it important to have a dedicated ‘Family Mass’? The answer is simple: children are the future of the Church. For that reason we need to give children a positive experience of Mass, welcoming them and showing them with their families how they can all play an active part

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It seems an age since I last wrote the parish newsletter’s front page and I do so now at a time of flux and adjustment. Since my accident on 25th October when I damaged the tendons in my right leg, and the subsequent operation less than a week later, I

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