Christmas Tea Party

We had a lovely afternoon at the parish Christmas Tea Party and it was a pleasure to see so many happy faces. Parishioners enjoyed mulled wine, sandwiches, mince pies and cakes. There was a raffle for a hamper of goodies which was won by Ursula who was delighted as “I

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Christmas Offerings to our Priests

The offerings from all Christmas Masses are your personal gift to our priests and are separate from any standing orders or regular giving you may have set up. Gift Aid can be claimed on these Christmas offerings but is retained by the parish itself (the priests do not benefit from

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2023 Calendars

The Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver will be selling their calendars for 2023 outside the church next weekend, 17 & 18 December. Money raised will assist their missionary work in Haiti. Please bring cash to pay for the calendars.

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Flowers in St Edmund’s

Saint Edmund’s has long been renowned for the way in which the beauty of its floral decoration has enhanced the quality of our worship. This has been made possible by the skill and dedication of a team of helpers who have each given up a couple of hours every few

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The Church Shop

The church shop is stocked with cards, advent candles and advent calendars. Also many lovely Christmas cribs and nativity scenes. We are however desperately short of volunteers to open the shop after weekend Masses – at present I have only TWO confirmed volunteers, one who can cover 6pm mass and

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SVP Christmas Appeal

As in previous years, St. Vincent de Paul would like to help local families in financial need this Christmas. We have contacted 12 local primary schools and, as expected in the current climate, we have had a big response from these schools identifying families in financial need. We would like

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Update from Fr Steve

I hope that as you walk into our church this weekend you will be struck by the warmth that surrounds you. After almost a year without heating we are finally on the home stretch. Everything that needs to be in place is now in position and we are fine tuning

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Prayer Tree for the Holy Souls

Our prayer tree is on the sanctuary for you to place your candle(s) to remember your family and friends during November. Blank templates for you to complete and hang on the tree are at the back of church by the remembrance book. Please use both sides of the candle so

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Pilgimage to Lourdes

We are back from Lourdes since a week now. The pilgrimage led by Fr Desmond went very well. We have all come back healed, replenished with the sense of wonder, awe and feelings of being truly special and loved by our Blessed Mother and Our Lord. It’s a magical place

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Special ‘Lockdown’ Requiem Mass

In the month of November Catholics pray for the Holy Souls, and we have often had Requiem Masses here for those whose funerals the clergy have celebrated. This year we are focussing on those whose funerals took place in the year between 24 March 2020 and 30 April 2021 since

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