Hello from Fr Vianney

I am Fr. Vianney, a priest from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Palayamkottai, Tamilnadu, in the southern most part of India. I was ordained priest on 3 May 1984. I started my priestly ministry as assistant parish priest in the diocesan Cathedral and served our diocese in various different offices.

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Altar Servers

Altar serving is an important part of our liturgy at St Edmunds. We welcome new servers at all Masses. You can serve at Mass once you have made your first Holy Communion. There is no maximum age. If you would like to serve at Mass, please call at the sacristy

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Join our Children’s Liturgy Group

Children’s Liturgy for our primary school children takes place on the second Sunday of each month.  To make sure we can carry on running Children’s Liturgy for the children we really need some new helpers so if you could spare just one hour a month at 9.30am mass on Sunday please do join us. Joining

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Our Webcam

During 2019, 21,839 individuals logged on to view St. Edmund’s services. 30,729 views were for up to an hour and a further 9,635 views were for over an hour. It is good to know how many people we are able to reach in this way. You can view our webcam

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A Message from Fr Simplicio

A Blessed and Happy New Year 2020! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and have ushered in the New Year with joy and hope. Permit me to write these few lines to inform you that I am going on a sabbatical. As I leave the parish I

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Epiphany House Blessing

Blessed chalk will be available at all Masses this Sunday, 5th January, for the traditional Epiphany house blessing. It is the custom to use the chalk to mark the lintel above your front door, or a space nearby, in this way:  20 + C + M + B + 20

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A Crib at Christmas

You probably have a Christmas tree at home but do you have a crib? In his recent Apostolic letter Admirabile Signum about which Fr Ashley writes here, Pope Francis draws our attention to the meaning and importance of the nativity scene and urges us to reclaim the awe and wonder children experience as they

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Christmas Offerings to our Priests

Your offering given on Christmas Day is by tradition for the priests of our parish. Many of you have responded to our request to set up Standing Orders for your donations to the church and we are so grateful for this, but for any payment to reach our priests it has to be marked

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