Collection for asylum seekers and refugees this weekend

This weekend we have a collection of items for asylum seekers and refugees living at the London Catholic Worker community in north London. They are most in need of: tinned tomatoes, nuts, raisins, cheese, tuna, chilli sauce, rice, couscous, pulses, olive oil, cooking oil, vinegar, mayo, spices, sugar, sunflower seeds,

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Fr Steve

Fr Steve had a very nasty fall when he was visiting Aylesford Priory on Wednesday. He has badly damaged the tendons in one leg and will require surgery to repair it. He is very grateful to those who are remembering him in their prayers. We do not know when he

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St Edmund’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2023

We’re collecting shoeboxes for the Blythswood Shoebox appeal again this year. The charity has let us know that all the boxes we collect will be going to Ukraine. Shoebox leaflets, also available at the back of the church, can be downloaded HERE. Until 5 November – Please bring filled shoeboxes

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Laudate Deum

As you know the World Synod of Bishops opened in Rome last Wednesday. Among those taking part is our own Archbishop John Wilson. At the same time the Holy Father published what is really a ‘follow up’ to his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ which was about the care of creation;

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CAFOD Update and Appeal

It was a joy to meet so many of you at our recent Parish Open Day and to have the opportunity to tell you about some of Cafod’s campaigns. Fix the Food System is a campaign running this year in support of local farmers in countries such as Bangladesh. For

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Law Surgery Returns

We are pleased to announce the restart of our monthly Law Surgery commencing on Monday 2 October at 6.00 pm in the Presbytery, and every successive first Monday of the month, 6 November and 4 December until the end of this year. The format remains the same save for the

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Holy Communion under both kinds

As you will know the bishops lifted the remaining COVID restrictions in relation to the celebration of Mass before Easter – so the physical handshake/hug at the sign of Peace was restored, and so was permission for Holy Communion to be given to the Faithful under both kinds. The clergy

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Going into Hospital

I have been a member of the chaplaincy team at the PRUH for some years, as I provide emergency on-call cover one night a week. I am familiar with how the chaplaincy service operates in the Kings College Hospital Trust (which covers Kings, the PRUH and Orpington Hospital). The team

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Education Sunday

Due to the pandemic, the last few years have been challenging for our students and teachers and now, as you will no doubt have seen in the media, some of our schools have closed because of structural deficiencies. Other schools may well follow. This Sunday is Education Sunday and a

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