Deacon Seán’s Ghana Charity Appeal

This weekend Deacon Seán will be making an emergency appeal at all Sunday Masses on behalf of his charity, the Nankesido Education and Welfare Trust (NEWT).

Thanks to a parishioner, Steve Hewitt, NEWT now has a beautiful website, at where you will find information and pictures about what NEWT has achieved with your help over the years.

Nearly all of NEWT’s income has come – directly or indirectly – through parishioners and their networks: sometimes through one-off donations and standing orders; sometimes through support for NEWT’s fund-raising events; or sometimes through connections with schools, clubs, workplaces or other charities. One other important source of funding has been money people have left to NEWT in their wills: if it hadn’t been for such bequests, NEWT’S work would have had to stop during the lockdown when fundraising activity came to a standstill.

As Deacon Seán will be telling us, the charity’s reserves were almost completely wiped out when it came to the rescue after one of the main blocks at the local school was seriously damaged by storms, and he will be appealing for your help once more. As well as this weekend’s collection at Mass, you can donate via our website’s Donations page, and in the coming weeks you can support some of NEWT’s fundraising activities.

There will be an open golf tournament at Farleigh Golf Club on 12th April (details on the website). On 13th April in the Hall Fr Stephen will share with us his Desert Island Discs and we will celebrate with fish and chips and a bar. A few weeks later NEWT will be holding a Race Night, and in the summer there will be a garden concert.

NEWT has made a huge amount of difference to many, many lives, whether through major school building projects, or through help for individuals – such as paying school fees, helping the disabled widow whose house NEWT repaired after part of it was swept away by floods; funding life-changing operations, and helping people like Joyce – Deacon Seán will be speaking about her – when NEWT plucked her from selling foodstuff at the roadside to put her through university. And there are lots more stories like that. Please, if you can, do help NEWT to continue to change lives.

Charity Trustees

Visit NEWT’s website

Book your tickets