Lives not Knives

George Agiru, one of our young parishioners is raising funds for a remarkable charity. Lives Not Knives is an innovative, award winning, youth-led charity that works to prevent knife crime, serious youth violence and school exclusions by engaging, educating and empowering disadvantaged young people and supporting them to enjoy their

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Our Church Heating

I am pleased to tell you that the contract to replace our heating system has been awarded to Estuary Technical Solutions who have also successfully carried out heating replacements at St James in Petts wood and The English Martyrs in Streatham. As you can imagine it’s not a straightforward process

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Let’s Journey Together

You may recall in the parish newsletter of 10 July, I invited you all to have a look at 6 areas of parish life you may wish to get involved in: Evangelisation, education, formation & outreach Welfare, pastoral, safeguarding Liturgy, spirituality Welcome, fundraising, social events Marketing, communications Operations, HR, H

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Our Church Shop

Can you help? We need our shop to open on a regular basis but it cannot unless individuals offer to help. It is for such a short time after Mass and the more volunteers we have, the lighter their responsibility will be. If you could offer your services, once a

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Tuesday Coffee Morning

It was lovely to welcome parishioners to the Hall after the 10.00 am Mass last Tuesday to share in some refreshments and conversation Thank you to Fr John for joining us and to Marie Jameson and Mary McGuigan for hosting. Next Tuesday’s host will be Anne Williams. We do hope

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What was Fr Steve talking about?

Some parishioners have asked for clarification on the meaning of some of the activities listed in the key areas in the life of our parish which were on the front page of last week’s newsletter. One of those areas incorporated Evangelization, Education, Formation, Outreach. Evangelization is the fundamental mission of

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Aid to the Church in Need Ukraine Appeal

Jerry Lohan will be running an Appeal, in our parish, this weekend on behalf of Aid to the Church in Need. Aid to the Church in Need has so far donated approximately £2.75 million Euros to ensure that priests, religious sisters and brothers who have stayed behind in Ukraine will

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