What was Fr Steve talking about?

Some parishioners have asked for clarification on the meaning of some of the activities listed in the key areas in the life of our parish which were on the front page of last week’s newsletter. One of those areas incorporated Evangelization, Education, Formation, Outreach. Evangelization is the fundamental mission of

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Aid to the Church in Need Ukraine Appeal

Jerry Lohan will be running an Appeal, in our parish, this weekend on behalf of Aid to the Church in Need. Aid to the Church in Need has so far donated approximately £2.75 million Euros to ensure that priests, religious sisters and brothers who have stayed behind in Ukraine will

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RCIA is Back

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a group for adults who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith; or for any adult thinking about becoming a Catholic. Most groups are parish based and we have had our own group in St Edmunds since the late 1980s.

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An update from Fr Ashley

I think many of you are aware that having returned from the conference in Rome about which I posted details a few weeks ago I tested positive for Covid last Thursday and I am still testing positive and am isolating. Most of your clergy in this parish have had the

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First Holy Communion Preparation 2022-2023

Enrolment for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is now open. All applications must be made on ChurchSuite and registration must be made from 24th June -18th July. The course starts in September and will run twice-monthly on Saturdays until the First Communions are celebrated in June 2023.

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Feast of St John Fisher and St Thomas More

Today is an important festival in this country – the feast of St John Fisher and St Thomas More, beheaded by King Henry VIII in 1535. Rosary 0930, Mass 1000 followed by Exposition, Mass 1800. It’s particularly special in our diocese (where the fundraising campaign for the canonisation was spearheaded

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Spiritual Communion Prayer

Now that the English Bishops have ‘invited’ us back to church to fulfil our Sunday obligation it has been decided that we no longer need to recite the prayer of spiritual communion as most of us will now be present in the church and therefore able to receive communion. Those

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Ordination of Joseph Gulliford

Many of you will remember Joseph who came to St Edmunds for a year’s work experience just six months before the first lockdown. Joseph enriched our liturgy with his wonderful music and as lockdown started he livestreamed a daily personal reflection of words and music that was picked up by

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Fr Ashley to attend Rome Conference

This is a picture of the Notre Dame University Rome Global Gateway, a centre for the American Catholic university where some American students come to study each year. I am going there for a conference later this week inaugurating a new international Consortium of Catholic Universities, as part of a

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