Bishops’ Statement 19 November 2021: Honouring Sunday

During the pandemic, public worship was suspended for a time and there have been restrictions on parish life. As a result, people have been exploring other ways to practice their faith including Spiritual Communion via live streaming. As people begin returning to more regular patterns of parish life and following

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Have a Merry, Sustainable Christmas!

The bishops of England and Wales, following the Pope’s lead, are encouraging us to change our lifestyles so as to help reverse climate change. Here are some tips for Christmas. Remember the 3 R’s – refuse, re-use, recycle. For instance, you can reduce plastic use in toiletries by buying bars

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Deacon Duncan Aitkins

Duncan has been a valued member of our parish clergy team for the last couple of years or so. He was one of the first graduates in the new MA programme in Catholic Social Teaching last summer (which all our diaconate students now study), and Archbishop John has now asked

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Fr Robert Ellis RIP

Fr Robert Ellis was assistant priest at St Edmund’s alongside David Gummett in the 1980s whilst Fr Peter Strand was parish priest. Fr Robert died on October 29th in Kingston Hospital. Barbara Ferrando gives a few memories – Umberto and I met Robert, together with Fr David Gummett, while they

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Consulting the People of God

Over the last few weeks you have heard the clergy talk about the synod. We are very pleased to launch the St Edmunds synod this weekend. Each of us is being invited to listen to each other and contribute our thoughts towards the future of The Church. We would warmly

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Ordination to the Diaconate: Ray Williamson

This coming Friday 5 November at 6.30 pm, Ray Williamson of our parish, with two other men from the Southwark Diocese will be ordained as Permanent Deacons by Archbishop John Wilson at St George’s Cathedral. There are no restrictions on who can attend this service and it will also be

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