Flowers in St Edmund’s

Saint Edmund’s has long been renowned for the way in which the beauty of its floral decoration has enhanced the quality of our worship. This has been made possible by the skill and dedication of a team of helpers who have each given up a couple of hours every few weeks to produce the floral displays. Sadly, the team has lost most of its members since the lockdown and despite several requests in the newsletter in recent weeks we have received no new volunteers to help with this work. It is therefore looking increasingly likely that, in future, we will be able to have fresh flower arrangements only for major feasts and special occasions and that, for the rest of the time, we will be offering displays of artificial flowers. While this may not be ideal, we will have no choice unless we receive some new offers to join the flower team. So, please, if you can spare a couple of hours towards the end of the week from time to time, do consider offering to help us to maintain this beautiful aspect of our Masses and services.

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