Drop in Cafe Reunion

Our last meeting at St Edmund’s Church Hall was on Thursday March 12th since when some of our volunteers and all of our guests have been shielding and most of us have been at home due to the lockdown. We have kept in touch with a monthly newsletter, phone calls

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Mass Stewards

I would personally like to thank all our stewards who have worked tirelessly during the last couple of months to enable you to attend Mass. Without them we would not be able to open the church. If you are attending Mass, please consider offering your services so that the load

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Where we are now…

MASS All Masses are celebrated with a congregation. They are live-streamed and can be followed on the Parish website. Strict rules apply at all Masses in accordance with government and diocesan instructions: this includes social distancing, the mandatory wearing of face-coverings, and the recording of contact details for all those

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From our Facebook Page…

‎Pope Francis prays for victims of Lebanon explosion At the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis prays for victims of a massive explosion in Beirut on Tuesday, which killed dozens and caused serious destruction.By Vatican NewsDuring the weekly General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis prayed for Lebanon in the aftermath of

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The Bread of Life

This Sunday’s gospel reading is Matthew’s account of the miracle of the Feeding of the Five Thousand (14:13-21). This manifestation of God’s generous love points forward to the Eucharist: this year we are able to reflect about this in a new way, as many have been deprived of the chance

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The Parish Office

The office will be staffed from Monday 3 August but will NOT be open to personal callers yet. Please email us on beckenham@rcaos.org.uk or telephone 020 8650 0970. You can also drop a note through our door and we will get in touch with you. If you would like to book

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Feast of St Martha

Today is the feast of St Martha, the name day of my older daughter. This painting by Rembrandt depicts her with her sister Mary at their house in Bethany, with Martha serving Jesus, (Luke 10: 38-42). The simplicity of this scene is worth reflecting on (and because of later legends

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‘Good Sunday and Good lunch’

Today’s gospel contains a number of short parables from Jesus in Matthew’s gospel (13:44-52), including that of the pearl of great price, shown here. The Holy Father’s catechesis from the Angelus in St Peter’s square earlier today, can be seen at https://www.vaticannews.va/…/2020-07/pope-angelus-26-july-2…. Please remember that from this weekend we are

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Feast of St James the Great

Today is the feast of St James the Great (there were two disciples with this name, or rather Jacob), the first apostle to be martyred (Acts chapter 12) – some of you will have been to his great shrine at Compostella in Spain, which houses the famous ‘botafumeiro’, the large

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