A Beautiful Feast – The Epiphany

The Epiphany is a beautiful feast – I think it’s special for many of us in that it captures the heart of the Christmas narrative while being free of the commercialisation which now surrounds the feast itself in December, which in a way makes sense because it is probably older

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Epiphany House Blessing

In my homily at the live-streamed Mass this morning I alluded to the traditional Epiphany house blessing which has been popular in this parish for many years. As you will appreciate we have not been able to distribute blessed chalk this year, but if you have some at home you

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Church is closing

It is with a very heavy heart I have made the decision to close the church.  The soaring numbers of Covid19 cases in this area has led me to believe we must protect our parishioners and do everything we can to prevent the continuing spread.  So, after this evening’s 6.00

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New Year’s Day – World Day of Prayer for Peace

Tomorrow is the World Day of Prayer for Peace and here are details of the Holy Father’s message for this: Pope World Day of Peace message: no peace without a “culture of care” – Vatican News. The complete text of the Holy Father’s message is available HERE. Please pray especially

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Father George Webster SSC

Some of you may remember Father George Webster SSC who was for some years Parish Priest of St Patrick’s, Chislehurst. He was retired and living in a community of his congregation and we heard the news earlier today that he died peacefully yesterday. Fr George was good at supporting events

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Childermas – Feast of the Holy Innocents

Today is the feast of the Holy Innocents – traditionally called ‘Childermas’ in England. As I write this I am watching the great film epic ‘Jesus of Nazareth’; Herod is chillingly played by the great Peter Ustinov, and the slaughter of the boys is depicted vividly. This feast day speaks

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Music at Christmas

A huge thank you to our three choirs who have returned to making music for us to listen to during Mass. For safety reasons they are limited to singing from the balcony and they have to carefully choose what they sing so the congregation doesn’t instinctively join in with them

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Fourth Sunday of Advent: Sea Sunday

The fourth candle of Advent is called the ‘Angel Candle’ and symbolizes peace. This name comes from the fact that the angels announced that Jesus came to bring peace (Luke 2:14). This week we are reminded that Jesus came to bring peace to our hearts and to our world! Today

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