New Year’s Resolution: Make a Difference with CAFOD

Become a volunteer. Make 2019 the year you meet new friends, inspire others to act for social justice, and use your skills to help our sisters and brothers working to overcome poverty around the globe. We are especially looking for: Office Volunteers for our office in Waterloo or Bromley to join our friendly team and

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Christmas at St Edmund’s

Fr Steve, Fr Ashley, Fr Simplicio and Deacon Sean send Christmas greetings to all and grateful thanks for your kind cards and gifts. We wish all Parishioners a Happy and Holy Christmas. Details of all our services and other information is available in our Newsletter: Click Here to read it. CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS

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Viewing Masses on the Internet

Our church services have been broadcast on this website for almost two years and baptisms and funerals are shared with families across the globe. We receive emails and letters from people in the UK and overseas to say how much they enjoy being able to be part of our Masses and how they feel part

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A Spiritual Spring-Clean in Advent

Hugo of Saint-Victoire (1096 – 1141) urged all believers in “the season of the Lord’s coming” to prepare themselves spiritually. “We must strive” he says “to enter the house of our hearts, open the windows and notice what is seemly and unseemly in that house. We must brush away the cobwebs, sweep the floors,

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Applying to Catholic Primary Schools

If you are applying to a Catholic primary school you will need to download from the school website what is called a ‘SIF’, which stands for Supplementary Information Form. This needs to be signed by a priest, attesting that your child is baptised and that your family comes to Mass. Please leave these at

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Congratulations to Fr Mark Binang

Fr Mark Binang has been appointed Priest-in-charge of the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Links Road, Tooting, with effect from this weekend.  The parish has this website: and the parish address is 282 Links Road SW17 9ER. We offer to Fr Mark our congratulations and best wishes

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First Holy Communion 2019: Register Now

Our children make their First Holy Communions in June.  Children not attending a Catholic school need to join the Catechism Group and children at our primary school are prepared by parish catechists after school hours in our Church Hall.  Parents of children in Y3 at St Mary’s should register online now

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Children’s Advent Service

This will be on Sunday 9 December at 3.00pm. It is a lovely service and we are looking for lots of children to get involved. We will need readers, musicians and singers for the choir, as well as little ones coming dressed up in nativity costumes. As well as lots of angels and shepherds, we

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Dinner & Dance: Last Chance!

Tickets for our Christmas Dinner and Dance must be booked by this Friday, 23 November. Cost: £30 per person – to include a two course meal & coffee. We would appreciate any donations to the raffle: new unwanted gifts, bottles of  alcohol, toiletries, vouchers etc. Raffle proceeds go to St Christopher’s Hospice. Contact Monique

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