Q Bar & Kitchen’s Kindness Campaign

We know that these times have been difficult for a lot of families. We want to provide local support to as many as we can of those children and families who need it the most during this time of national lockdown and school closure by offering them a fresh, hot

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Peace Sunday

This Sunday is Peace Sunday, when the Church in England and Wales observes the World Day of Prayer for Peace kept elsewhere on New Year’s Day. Prayers and Reflections for today, including a Zoom reflection, can be found on the website of Pax Christi UK, www.paxchristi.org.uk. Normally in our parish

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Closure for everyone’s safety

It has been just over two weeks since I announced the closure of our church. It was not an easy decision to make but I’m certain in the circumstances, the right one. It would seem that many of you were in agreement, even though like me you felt sadness. Thank

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New Services: Rosary and Benediction

Fr Steve, has, as he promised, introduced the saying of the rosary on three weekday mornings, and in addition there will be Benediction at 5.00 pm every Friday and also on the last Sunday of every month. These will all be live streamed and are another way that we can

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A Beautiful Feast – The Epiphany

The Epiphany is a beautiful feast – I think it’s special for many of us in that it captures the heart of the Christmas narrative while being free of the commercialisation which now surrounds the feast itself in December, which in a way makes sense because it is probably older

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Epiphany House Blessing

In my homily at the live-streamed Mass this morning I alluded to the traditional Epiphany house blessing which has been popular in this parish for many years. As you will appreciate we have not been able to distribute blessed chalk this year, but if you have some at home you

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Church is closing

It is with a very heavy heart I have made the decision to close the church.  The soaring numbers of Covid19 cases in this area has led me to believe we must protect our parishioners and do everything we can to prevent the continuing spread.  So, after this evening’s 6.00

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New Year’s Day – World Day of Prayer for Peace

Tomorrow is the World Day of Prayer for Peace and here are details of the Holy Father’s message for this: Pope World Day of Peace message: no peace without a “culture of care” – Vatican News. The complete text of the Holy Father’s message is available HERE. Please pray especially

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