Third Sunday of Easter

The gospel reading this evening and tomorrow is the final appearance of the risen Christ to his disciples in Luke’s gospel (chapter 24) immediately after the lovely account of his meeting the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Here, as in John’s Gospel, the Lord greets his disciples with

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The Bread of Life

Today’s gospel is John’s account (from chapter 6) of the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand by Jesus. We often hear one of the accounts of this (in all four gospels) at Mass; John’s account is apt for the Easter season (when most of our gospel readings are

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Pope Martin I

Now that Holy Week and Easter week are over we can start celebrating saints’ days again. In the season of Eastertide the feast days of martyrs are particularly important (and liturgical texts are different for these days from the rest of the year) as these men and women are seen

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Nicodemus comes to the Lord

One of the great things about Eastertide is that we have the chance to get to know very well the gospel of John on weekdays and most Sundays. As the gospel was formed through preaching and reflection over many decades down to the end of the first century AD, it

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Second Sunday of Easter

We begin this evening the Second Sunday of Easter, also known as Divine Mercy Sunday, Low Sunday and ‘Dominica in Albis’ (this last because in the early Church the newly baptised laid aside their white robes at the end of the Easter octave), when we always hear the account of

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The Teachings of Pope Francis

The whole of Easter week is seen by the Church as a continuation of Easter Day, and many liturgical texts day by day are simply repeated. During Lent – in our course on Wednesday evenings when we looked at the Holy Father’s letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’ – and over the Triduum

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Easter Friday

This is the church of ‘Mensa Christi’ on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, the traditional site of the appearance of the risen Jesus described in today’s gospel from John 21 – the rock shown here is both inside and outside the church, where according to tradition the Lord

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Missio Red Boxes

Our Missio organiser Mick Denne has recently received a letter from Missio thanking parishioners for the sum of £789.12 sent to them over the last year. This is a great effort but it would be wonderful if you could increase this amount. If you would like to have a red

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