A Prayer for You this Easter

The Gospel reading for Easter Sunday describes the beloved disciple John reaching the tomb first before Peter. He looks in to see the linen cloths lying there but for some reason does not enter. It is only after Peter has witnessed the empty tomb that John decides to go in

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How to Get Involved this Easter

On Good Friday we need a couple of volunteers to guide the walkers and help direct the traffic during the Churches Together in Beckenham (CTiB) Walk of Witness service, which starts at St. Edmund’s at 11am and proceeds to St. George’s Green. There will be a stewards’ briefing at 10.40am outside St

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Good Friday – Walk of Witness

On Good Friday, Churches Together in Beckenham (CTiB) are holding a short Service at St Edmund’s at 11.00 am before walking to St George’s Green for the conclusion of the Service. This year due to the road works in the High Street we plan to walk down The Drive and Church Avenue. Everyone is welcome

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Healing Service on Tuesday Evening

As part of our preparation for Holy Week we are having a Healing Service on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm to be led by Damian Stayne. If you would like to know more about his work go to the website www.coretlumenchristi.org – this tells you about the life of the Cor et

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Pilgrimage to Italy in October – Last Chance

There are still a couple of places available on the pilgrimage to Italy in October. Last date for booking is now Wednesday 28 March. If you are interested there is a brochure in the porch and for more details contact Diane Brelu on 0795 119 4036 or Tanya on 0741 505 4468 or by email.

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Archivist Required

We would like to hear from any parishioner who is a qualified archivist or who has experience in this field who would be happy to review our historic parish records and record and store them properly for us, and possibly, in the future make them accessible on-line. If you are computer literate and have some

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Beast from the East

For a good few days now most, if not all of the country, has been experiencing snow, blizzards and very cold temperatures. The weather forecasters have called it the Beast from the East. It’s an interesting name; although it can describe an animal, beast can also mean someone or something

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RCIA and Rite of Election Update

Last Saturday the RCIA Team, including Father Steve, accompanied our catechumens (unbaptised) and candidate (baptised) to St George’s Cathedral to be presented to the Archbishop and Bishops. They joined 388 people from other parishes in the diocese to prepare for their full admission into the Catholic Church at Easter. Please pray for our elect, Shalyte, Jayne

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Join St. Edmund’s on ChurchSuite

Don’t forget to log onto ChurchSuite to keep up to date with the latest parish news, view the calendar of events, make on-line donations, manage GiftAid, keep track of parish correspondence and update your own data. We use a parish database called ChurchSuite to manage parish data, events and rotas. ChurchSuite allows us

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