Sacristans Needed!

A characteristic of this church is the devout way in which the worship of God is carried out, and part of how this is done is through the careful and reverent preparation of the sanctuary for Mass by our dedicated team of sacristans across all Masses. By and large last minute ‘flapping about’ is avoided and people are able to prepare themselves properly for Mass without too many distractions.

While our team is dedicated some have been doing this job for many years and there are now some gaps where we need more volunteers. We urgently need some for the Sunday 8.00 am Mass and the Monday 8.15 am Mass in church; we could also do with more people for the 10.00 am weekday Mass, the Wednesday evening Mass and all Sunday Masses except the 9.30am. If a good team exists for a Mass there is always coverage and the tasks are not too onerous.

Proper training will be given. If you think you could help, please contact Fr Ashley by EMAIL.

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