Faith in Action 2018 Update

Over 70 young people from Bromley Deanery parishes and schools are participating in this year’s Faith in Action Award. It has been a privilege to work with all the candidates and to see the commitment and hard work they have put in to their journals, ongoing service to the parish and school community and engagement

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Collection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

This weekend (28/29 July) is our regular collection of items for asylum seekers and refugees living in the Catholic Worker community house in north London. Many thanks for the generosity you have shown in the past. This is what we are looking for: tinned tomatoes, nuts, raisins, cheese, tuna, chilli sauce, rice, couscous, pulses, olive

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Summer Holidays

This week sees the last few days of school for most of our young parishioners, with many already being on holiday. Our thanks and prayers must go to all those who work in our two parish schools for everything they do for our children. We thank the teaching staff and assistants, cleaners, cooks, dinner ladies,

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Aid to the Church in Need: Nigeria

You may have read about the indiscriminate violence against Christians being carried out in areas of Nigeria. In a church in Benue State two priests and nineteen parishioners were slaughtered whilst celebrating mass. Our own Fr Victor Akongwale has had his church attacked and a parishioner killed, and the school

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Our Parish – Our Responsibility

Fr Steve and the Finance Committee wish to express their thanks for your support of the planned giving appeal over the past few weeks. Initial indications are that we had a positive reaction. We will provide a fuller update at the end of July when we have analysed the impact on our income. If you were

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How to Donate using ChurchSuite

Following the appeals at Masses on Sunday, please use the links below to add your details to ChurchSuite and set up donations and register for Gift-Aid. Our aim is to replace as much of our  weekly cash collections with electronic payments which makes it more convenient for you. If you are

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Welcome to Fr Boniface Arapa

I would like to welcome from the Diocese of Lira in Uganda, Fr Boniface Arapa to our parish. Fr Boniface will be with us throughout July and the first week of August. Please introduce yourselves to him and make him feel welcome as I know you will. Fr Steve

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First Holy Communion

Last weekend saw our final two first holy communion masses. Coming the week after almost forty children in our Catechism Group made theirs, the two masses saw forty-seven children from St Edmunds who attend St Mary’s School receive holy communion for the first time. It was also the first time

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Altar Servers Summer Break

Altar Servers are invited to a Summer break from Tuesday 7 to Friday 10 August at Woldingham School, Surrey. Cost: £145 This is an excellent few days for boy and girl servers aged 10 – 15. Meeting in a holiday atmosphere, activities will include talks, discussions, prayer, daily Mass, as well as a visit

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Human Slavery and Trafficking

One of the themes of this weekend’s Day for Life is the terrible and worsening incidence of human slavery and trafficking in this country. The churches have recently taken a very practical initiative in relation to something many of us do frequently – getting our cars washed. Our archbishop has

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