A Crib at Christmas

You probably have a Christmas tree at home but do you have a crib? In his recent Apostolic letter Admirabile Signum about which Fr Ashley writes here, Pope Francis draws our attention to the meaning and importance of the nativity scene and urges us to reclaim the awe and wonder children experience as they

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Christmas Offerings to our Priests

Your offering given on Christmas Day is by tradition for the priests of our parish. Many of you have responded to our request to set up Standing Orders for your donations to the church and we are so grateful for this, but for any payment to reach our priests it has to be marked

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The Bible: What’s it all About?

The Catholic Church began a special year of reflection on the importance of the Bible recently, entitled The God who Speaks. Fr Ashley gave a talk on 27th November, a replay of which you can watch on our Webcam (under Recordings). The text version, which includes a number of links

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Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Message from Fr Steve

This week we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Monday 9th) and this somewhat overshadows Our Lady of Guadalupe (Thursday 12th), the less well known of the two. However, it is the latter I wish to say a few words about. Our Lady of

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Come to our Christmas Fair this Saturday!

Our Christmas Fair takes place in the Church Hall from 11 am and ends around 3.30 pm. All the usual gifts and goodies available!  And, don’t forget, our parish choirs will be bringing good cheer to the shoppers at Waitrose by singing well known carols from 10 am. They would be thrilled

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Changes to Weekday Masses

From Monday 6 January there will be a change in weekday Mass times. Along with 10 am Mass, there will now be a 7.30 am Mass on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri-days in the church. On Wednesdays and Saturdays there will be 8.15 am Mass at St Peter Claver Convent.

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The Money Mountain is Back!

We will be selling tickets for the Money Mountain after all weekend Masses over the next two weekends. 50% of the money raised will go to the winner and the rest to parish funds! The winning ticket will be drawn at the Christmas Fair. If you are not able to come on the

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Raise Funds for Us at no Cost to You

Help us raise funds for St Edmund’s at no cost to you through easyfundraising, a great website where you can help St Edmund’s Church, raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 4,000 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, ebAY, Boden, M&S and booking.com. What is easyfundraising? easyfundraising is

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Fr Tomas Creagh-Fuller RIP

Many of you will know by now that Father Tom died peacefully on Tuesday evening. He will be remembered by many of you as Music Director and a Deacon here, until he went to Rome in 1996 to train for the priesthood. He was ordained here in 2000 and served in

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