Adoration and Benediction

With the nights drawing in we have decided to move Adoration & Benediction from early evening on a Friday, to after the 10.00 am Mass each Friday. On the last Sunday of every month there will continue to be a Holy Hour of Adoration and Benediction at 4.00 pm. The

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St Edmund’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2021

Thank you to everyone who has already taken or downloaded a leaflet and is filling a box. Filled shoeboxes can be dropped at 20 Reddons Road anytime until November 1st or brought with you to weekend masses on 30th/31st October when we will be collecting boxes before masses. If you

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Prisoners’ Sunday – Opening of the Synodal Path

Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and in this country Prisoners’ Sunday – details of this were put up earlier in the week. There is a special Mass in Rome today celebrated by the Holy Father: God bless and take care Fr Ashley Read more news on

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