Public Worship & Plenary Indulgence in November

This Sunday is All Saints Day. Public Masses at the usual time. This is a statement about the likely closure of churches from Cardinal Nichols and the Archbishop of Liverpool, on behalf the Bishops Conference: click here. Here in this diocese Archbishop Wilson is encouraging us to write to our

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Second Collections

Since March you will be aware that we have not been able to have any basket collections in the church during Mass. The parish income has fallen significantly because of this but the many causes which rely on parishes to support their work have lost most of their income. We

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St Edmund’s SVP: Still Helping

This weekend we would be having a second collection for the SVP. It is the third one this year that we have not been able to take so please read the item below and respond in your usual generous way. The parish branch of the St Vincent de Paul Society

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LEPRA – We will beat Leprosy together

Today, 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy. Leprosy is completely curable if treated early. Lepra works directly with communities in Bangladesh, India, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to find, treat and rehabilitate people affected by leprosy. The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the world, steepening in-equality and injustice, and has made our

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Prisoners’ Sunday

Pact is a national charity which supports people affected by imprisonment. It provides practical and emotional support to prisoners’ children and families, and to prisoners themselves. This Sunday is a day of prayer for prisoners and their dependants. We would usually have a second collection for this Catholic charity whose

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Collection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in London

This community relies entirely on donations to feed the many men it shelters. We have missed several of our regular collections and we don’t know how long this will continue, so please consider making a financial donation instead via their website. If you order your shopping online for home delivery,

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The feast of the Holy Guardian Angels

In a time of crisis worldwide we ask the angels to protect particularly those suffering from the virus. Traditionally we have often associated this feast with children, nurturing them in the belief that each child has an angel to watch over and protect him or her. At this time children

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St Edmund’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2020

We are really pleased to learn that Blythswood have their shoebox appeal this year and we will be collecting shoeboxes in the parish again, albeit with a few small changes to how things will have to work within current restrictions. The impact of Covid 19 in many countries where Blythswood

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World Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants

Today is the World Day of Prayer for Refugees and Migrants and here is the message for today from the Holy Father:…/papa-francesco_20200513_world… Today’s gospel reading is the parable of the two sons in the vineyard, Matthew 21: 28-32. Please note that as a result of new restrictions announced by

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