Sacristans and Altar Servers

We are now in the happy position where the lifting of restrictions means that we can rebuild our teams of altar servers and others who help to prepare the sanctuary for Mass and clear up afterwards. Historically in St Edmund’s we have had a lot of people who have generously

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Blessing of Easter Foods

For a number of years before Covid struck, we celebrated in our parish the Blessing of Easter Foods, which is a service known throughout eastern Europe. We would very much like to re-instate this service this year. It is a lovely way to celebrate the richness of the cultural diversity

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St Edmund’s Lent Talks Update

The second in our series of lent talks took place on Tuesday, entitled “What is a synod? Dialogue and listening“. The materials are now online, including presentation slides, the talk text, and a recording on our webcam. The topic of the first talk (the previous week) was ‘Ukraine and Catholic

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The Passage – “March Big Give”

The Passage, the Catholic charity working with homeless people is raising funds through the Big Give, a matched giving scheme, beginning at noon on Monday 14 March. Every £1 donated online between noon on Monday 14 March and noon on Monday 28 March becomes £2 or £2.25 through Gift Aid

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Parish Synodal Report Published

The Parish Synodal Report is now available here. Thank you to all who participated in this project and those who organised the listening sessions and compiled the final report. Please read, reflect and pray about the way forward. We should not allow this work to be stored away in a

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Cafod Lent Family Fast Day

Cafod Lent Family Fast Day is Friday March 11. Please mark this day by making some sacrifice to support Cafod’s work with our hungry brothers and sisters around the world. There will be Cafod speakers at our Masses this weekend, 5th/6th March and envelopes for you to take with you

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Collection for Ukrainian Refugees

Citygate Church are partnering with various organisations who are driving supplies directly to Ukrainian refugee centres. Please bring these items to: Citygate Church,  22 Rectory Road, Beckenham BR3 1JA Today until 8pm and Thursday 3rd between 9.30am and 5pm. Blankets Sleeping bags  Bedding Sanitary Products Nappies Warm Clothes (underwear and

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Stations of the Cross in Church

There will be Stations of the Cross in St Edmund’s tomorrow evening, Ash Wednesday, at 7 pm, after the evening Mass and on every Friday during Lent at the same time, including this coming Friday, 4th February .  The church will be open for those wishing to attend in person.  For the benefit of those following

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