New Parishioner Database

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new parish database called ChurchApp. Each parishioner can now have their own login which allows them to access and update their own information online and to keep up to date with parish news. To get going ChurchApp could not be easier.

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It’s Lent Again

YOU will be getting this newsletter on or around 1 March, which this year is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the calendar of the Christian churches. For Christians the season of Lent, lasting from now until Easter on 16 April, is traditionally a time for fasting, abstinence

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Broadcast Around the World

In the first few weeks of ‘live-streaming’ our services from St Edmund’s we have been viewed in the following countries: Australia, Colombia, France, Guernsey, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, United Kingdom and the United States.

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Youth Club for 13-17 Year Olds

A youth club is being developed for the 13-17 year olds in the Parish. It will run one Saturday a month to start with. We will be tapping into prospective members for their suggestions on activities – however first we need to boost our team of adult supervisors. If you

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