Getting Organised For Christmas

As we are now in Advent and the weeks will go very fast we would like to get some things organised early: Altar servers – please indicate on the sheets in the Sacristy your availability to serve at a Christmas Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Readers – please indicate your availability

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Catholic Schools – A Message from The Archbishop of Southwark

Do you support Catholic schools and the right of Catholics to send their children to them? Then we need you to make your voice heard. The Government is making a critical decision on whether to overturn the admissions cap which prevents Catholic schools from allowing all Catholic pupils to attend. They have acknowledged that this policy

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Our 300 Club

Firstly, thank you very much to all Members for your generous support of the Parish 300 Club. However, there are a considerable number of subscribers, who despite several reminders, have outstanding subscriptions, some going back as far as last March. So, in order to help remind members of when their

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Help Needed – Our Christmas Fair

Our Fair is this Sunday, 3rd December, and we desperately need some of the following: Books CD’s and DVD’s Linens Sweets Toiletries Bric a Brac Bottles We also need VOLUNTEERS! Please contact Sue Owen on 07828 132 921 or by email for more information. Thanks!

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Collection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Christmas 2017

Our collection of items for asylum seekers and refugees in London living at the London Catholic Worker community in north London is this weekend – 25th and 26th November. Many thanks for the generosity you have  shown in the past. Details of the community’s work, inspired by the Servant of God Dorothy Day, can

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Our Sick List

The list of the names of the sick which is read out at Mass each day has become rather lengthy and we are concerned that some names have been on it for a long time. This list should contain the names only of those people who are in sight of death or who are

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Follow us on Facebook

Did you know you can follow us on Facebook? Click here to see our page and follow us for regular updates on Church events, Parish news, and links to Catholic news and views.

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Join our Folk Choir

The folk choir sings at 5:30pm Sunday Mass and is actively looking for new members. Practices are held weekly on Thursday evenings and we are keen to welcome anyone with enthusiasm and an enjoyment of music. Singers would be particularly welcome and no musical knowledge is required. We are frequently

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Our Confirmation Programme for 2018

Bishop Pat Lynch will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation at St Edmund’s on Thursday 7 June 2018 at 7 pm. We are now inviting applications to join the formation programme which will begin in January 2018. You must be a parishioner of St. Edmund’s or a student at Bishop Challoner School and

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Bereavement Mass, and Bereavement Tree

Every year St Edmund’s Parish dedicates one of its Masses to bereaved parishioners, their families and friends. We would like to invite everyone who has arranged a funeral here this year and all those who also wish to remember a deceased family member or friend, to attend the Mass which will be

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