Church Shop News

Gifts and cards for First Holy Communion and Confirmation are available in the shop which is open after all Sunday Masses. First Holy Communion Masses at St Edmunds are next weekend and Confirmation is on June 9, so please don’t leave it until the last minute to make your purchases.

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A Year of Encounter

With a UK general election due sometime this year, politicians will be looking for our votes. We have a responsibility as Catholics to make sure that parties commit to tackling issues such as poverty and injustice. Raising our voices and contacting parliamentary candidates as a parish community will send a

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LEPRA – Second Collection

The second collection this weekend is in support of LEPRA. LEPRA is an international charity working to beat leprosy, a Neglected Tropical Disease. This year they are celebrating their centenary. Lepra provides holistic care to the sufferer. If it is detected early enough it is curable with multidrug therapy and

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Bible in a Year Meeting

We are holding our first meeting of this new group on Friday 3rd May at 7.30 pm in the mezzanine of the church hall. This is an informal meeting for anyone who is following the Bible in a Year podcast (whatever day you are on!), or for those thinking about

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A Reminder about Marriage Preparation

In our diocese couples wanting to marry in church must contact the parish priest six months ahead of their intended wedding date. This is to allow sufficient time for them to attend the Marriage Preparation Course but also to allow sufficient time for all necessary paperwork to be completed. Our

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Life in the Spirit Seminars begin on Wednesday

“I ask each and all of you, that as part of the current of grace of Charismatic Renewal you organise seminars of Life in the Spirit in your parishes and seminaries, schools, and neighbourhoods, to share Baptism in the Spirit”.  Pope Francis   St Edmunds is a hub for Life

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Welcome to Fr Andrew Bishop

I am looking forward to serving you in Beckenham as my first placement as a priest. I was ordained just a few weeks ago on 23 February at the grand old age of 64, after studying at the Beda seminary in Rome for four years. Before that I was Pastoral

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Collections at Services

Maundy Thursday The collection will be for Mary’s Meals. (See page 2 of the newsletter.) Good Friday At the Pope’s request the collection is for the upkeep of the Holy Places in Palestine. Easter Masses Offerings made at the Easter Vigil and all the Masses of Easter Sunday are your

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A warm welcome to Mac

Hi, my name is Mac and I’m a second year seminarian studying at Allen Hall. I’m originally from London but spent most of my teenage years on the Isle of Wight before moving back to London for university. I was an actor before joining seminary. I’ve had many great experiences

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