Loretto – A New Deanery Worship Night

The youth ministry team in Bromley Deanery is launching a new Friday night of worship, prayer, adoration and fellowship with an inspiring talk on “Worshipping God in an age of distraction”. Whether you’re 18 – 35 or young at heart, you are warmly invited to join us for the evening

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Thank you from Living Well

We received this email on Tuesday morning: Mick has just dropped off a large food donation here at Living Well from St Edmunds THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! We really appreciate your kindness and generosity. Kind regards Lesley Nunes Operations Manager Thank you all so much. Your generosity resulted in the

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Living Well Collection this weekend

This weekend is our quarterly collection for the Living Well foodbank and there will be trolleys at the back of the Church for your donations. Living Well is in desperate need of the following: UHT milk Tinned vegetables/pulses/meat/fruit/soup/tomatoes Rice Pasta Biscuits Cereal Toilet roll Shower gel and shampoo Sanitary towels

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General Election 2024

As Catholics, we are called to take our responsibilities as citizens and voters seriously, with Gospel values informing how we look at the world, putting the common good before self-interest. Our Catholic bishops have been quick off the mark in providing resources to help us reflect on some key election

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Our Family Mass

It was with great sadness that last October we stopped celebrating Mass for our young children and their parents in the Hall. Over the previous 18 months this Family Mass developed into a wonderful celebration with child appropriate readings and homilies and music. The numbers attending each week grew to

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The Catenians

The Catenians play an important role in strengthening Catholic communities. We meet once a month and organise various social events throughout the year. Our focus is on faith, friendship and family and we offer the chance to meet fellow Catholics and their families from Beckenham, Hayes and beyond. We also

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Church Shop News

Gifts and cards for First Holy Communion and Confirmation are available in the shop which is open after all Sunday Masses. First Holy Communion Masses at St Edmunds are next weekend and Confirmation is on June 9, so please don’t leave it until the last minute to make your purchases.

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A Year of Encounter

With a UK general election due sometime this year, politicians will be looking for our votes. We have a responsibility as Catholics to make sure that parties commit to tackling issues such as poverty and injustice. Raising our voices and contacting parliamentary candidates as a parish community will send a

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