A Stranger on the Road – second Lent talk today

This evening we have the second talk in our parish Lent course, focussing on the second chapter of Pope Francis’ letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’, entitled ‘A Stranger on the Road.’ Here the Holy Father reflects on Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10: 29-37. You can join the talk live

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CAFOD Lent Appeal 2021

Please watch this short appeal on behalf of CAFOD: We would normally hear an inspiring appeal from a Cafod speaker and take home a Cafod envelope to fill with the money saved by eating fugally on that day. The parishioners at St Edmund’s are always so generous to Cafod so,

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CAFOD Family Fast Day

This Friday is CAFOD Family Fast day when we urge you to give something up and donate the money to CAFOD. You can do so online – click here – where there are also reflections for the day.     ROSIE’S CHOIR TAKE UP CAFOD’S LENTEN CHALLENGE You can’t keep

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Lent Talk 1 – Fratelli Tutti

Many thanks to those who were able to join the first session of our parish Lent programme this evening. My apologies if you tried to join the Zoom session afterwards; there were technical problems which meant that no one was able to get to the waiting room, let alone beyond.

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The Lord’s Prayer

Today’s gospel reading (Matthew 6: 7-15) is the account of Jesus teaching his disciples the Lord’s Prayer, the most important and profound common Christian prayer. This picture is of the Church of the Pater Noster, the traditional site for this event on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem; I expect

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First Sunday in Lent

On the first Sunday in Lent we always hear one of the accounts from the gospels of Jesus stay for forty days in the wilderness – this year, from the gospel of Mark (chapter 1). As in this picture, the Lord is depicted by Mark as being at peace with

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The Calling of Levi

Today’s gospel – the calling of Levi (usually identified with the apostle Matthew), in Luke chapter 5. Levi is a ‘toll-collector’ (that is a collector of indirect taxes) who in Luke’s version entertains Jesus with colleagues in his own home; Jesus is criticised for accepting this hospitality. At a time

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Lent Choices

In our first reading at Mass today, Moses addresses the people of Israel, towards the end of their journey through the desert, Deuteronomy 30: 15-20. The people are offered a choice: ‘See, today I set before you life and prosperity, death and disaster.’ Part of what Lent is about is

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