Saint Peter and Saint Paul

The feast day of St Peter and St Paul, normally a Holy Day of Obligation – this is suspended still, but you are most welcome to come to Mass at 10 or 6. We make a special effort today to pray for the Holy Father.

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Theology in a Time of Plague

I recently had this article published in ET Studies, the journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology. My thanks to Louisa Warren for translating the abstract into French and German: READ HERE. God bless Fr Ashley (From our Facebook Page)

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St John Fisher and St Thomas More

Today is the feast day of St John Fisher and St Thomas More. It has an important history in this diocese: in the 20s and 30s the Southwark diocese played a big part in the fund-raising for the canonisation process, because St John Fisher’s diocese (Rochester) is within the territory

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Mass Intentions

With the additional masses that are now being celebrated in our church we have quite a few that do not have an intention. If you wish to have a Mass intention, please would you email the office. It would help if you didn’t specify a date for the Mass unless

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Calming the Storm

You may remember the special act of worship led by the Holy Father from St Peter’s on 27 March 2020 in which we reflected very powerfully on today’s gospel reading: Jesus calming the storm in chapter 4 of Mark’s gospel. The Pope gave Benediction ‘to the city and the world’

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2021 Day for Life

This Sunday is the national Day for Life. The special message for the day, and details of how to donate to the appeal, can be found at…/ Many congratulations to Sandy Misquitta who has been ordained deacon today by Bishop Paul Hendricks. Please pray also for his family Neelam,

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St Richard of Chichester

Wednesday is the feast of the thirteenth century bishop St Richard of Chichester – his shrine in the Anglican cathedral in Chichester is shown here. He’s important for us because he was a good friend of our patron saint, Edmund; in one of the side chapels in the cathedral there

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