Catholic Secondary School Applications

In the Catholic Church we encourage parents to choose a Catholic school for their child and as a clergy team we do all we can to support them in this.

For Catholic schools in the maintained sector, part of what you need to submit with your application is a form signed by a priest which is part of the SIF (Supplementary Information Form), or alternatively (depending on the school) a signed Certificate of Catholic Practice (a standardised document issued by the Catholic Education Service). Check the school websites carefully about application procedures, as these vary.

In this parish I deal with all these applications, even if you know one of the other clergy better. Please drop off any documentation to me at the presbytery or email it to me – if you have any queries I will deal with them, preferably by email; please do not go through the office staff. When forms are signed by me we will contact you for collection so that they can be downloaded to the school websites as part of your application.

Fr Ashley

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