Natwest Bank Closure

Many of you will know that the Beckenham branch of NatWest will close at the beginning of September. Each week for years and years we have gone there to pay in our collection money, many hundreds of pounds from the votive candle safe and all the cheques we receive. So,

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Dementia Drop In Cafe

Last Saturday our Drop In Café hosted a session for those who had an interest or connection with dementia. The guest speaker was the Bromley Council lead on dementia, Nicky Fishman. The Drop In has been running weekly for about ten years. Always run by parishioners and volunteers from other

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A Journey in Faith 2024/25

The next RCIA course (Rite of Initiation of Adults) begins on Thursday 12 September at 7.30 pm in St Edmund’s Hall, opposite the Church. If you are thinking about becoming a Catholic or would like to learn more about the Catholic faith then please come along and join us on

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First Holy Communion

If your child wishes to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and is starting Y3 (or above) in September, please register them for the preparation course by the end of this month. The registration form is available here. The course starts in September, and meets twice a

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Stella Maris

This weekend the second collection is for Stella Maris, the Catholic charity for seafarers worldwide. The charity provides practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, regardless of nationality or belief. You can donate direct on their website.

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The Church Shop

This weekend the church shop is opening in its new location in the old library (on the left as you leave the church). Please come and see our displays of rosaries, crosses, statues, candles, cards and gifts for many occasions. We also have a great selection of adult and children’s

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Loretto – A New Deanery Worship Night

The youth ministry team in Bromley Deanery is launching a new Friday night of worship, prayer, adoration and fellowship with an inspiring talk on “Worshipping God in an age of distraction”. Whether you’re 18 – 35 or young at heart, you are warmly invited to join us for the evening

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Thank you from Living Well

We received this email on Tuesday morning: Mick has just dropped off a large food donation here at Living Well from St Edmunds THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! We really appreciate your kindness and generosity. Kind regards Lesley Nunes Operations Manager Thank you all so much. Your generosity resulted in the

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