Car Parking on Sundays

There are changes to the regulations governing the Sainsbury’s car park. Parishioners who drive to Mass need to be aware of them. From 1 April, cars will be charged when using the car park after 7.30 am, seven days a week. The hourly rate has increased to £1.00 for up

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CAFOD Family Fast Day

CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY is on Friday 14 March. Please consider eating a simple meal on that day in solidarity with our impoverished sisters and brothers through-out the world. Any donations you can make to the CAFOD appeal on the weekend of 15/16 March will help to bring hope to

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All Parish Groups

Would all parishioners who lead parish groups or activities of any type or size, please get in touch with the Parish Office to confirm your group is still active. If it still meets, could you please let us know when it meets, day/time/location and a contact name with email address

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World Day of Prayer Event – Friday 7 March

The World Day of Prayer service will be held on Friday 7 March from 3-4.30 pm at Beckenham Baptist Church. Men and women from every church in Beckenham are invited to celebrate this annual service, which this year has been written by the Christian women of the Cook Islands. Tea,

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NEWT Fundraising Event – Saturday 15 March

Deacon Sean’s Ghana charity NEWT is holding a fundraising evening so it can continue to support young people at school and university, or in following apprentice training. Tickets at or call 07837 214601. If you are intending to join us for this fun evening of live music, please can

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Mothers’ Prayers

This group was formed thirty years ago by two grandmothers who felt led by the Lord to pray in a special way for their children They felt that they should bring all the pain and the worries they had for their children to Him and to trust in His words

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Help Shape the Future of our Archdiocese

In last weekend’s pastoral letter the Archbishop invited you to play a vital role in shaping the future of our Archdiocese. He encouraged everyone to reflect on the themes in the Called to Bear Fruit booklet and participate in small group discussions over the coming weeks. Here’s how you can

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