More Masses and longer opening hours

This is a picture of something we haven’t seen for a while – a large number of people all going into our church at once, not in an ordered queue (Good Friday). We’re not at that stage yet, but we can announce some changes: From tomorrow Exposition of the Blessed

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Confirmation Programme

As restrictions ease, plans to prepare our young people to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are being made. Please accept our apologies for the delay in finalising the arrangements and the lack of information. A number of our young people started their preparation back in early 2020. Those of you

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New Prayer Meeting at St Edmund’s

The “Light of Christ” prayer meeting has found a new venue at St Edmund’s. We hope to meet each Wednesday commencing 14th July in the main hall and are so grateful for the wonderful welcome from Fr. Stephen, who knows us well, and the parish team. For many years we

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St Mary’s PTA Beckenham History Trail

St Mary’s Primary School PTA is running a history trail around Beckenham to raise funds for the school. It’s a self-guided trail through the winding backstreets and hidden corners of Beckenham. Solve the clues along the route to unlock some of the history and secrets of Beckenham. It costs £3

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Corpus Christi

Today is the feast of Corpus Christi. Please pray for children making their First Holy Communion this weekend.  God bless and take care Fr Ashley

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CAFOD: Reclaim our Common Home

This campaign by Cafod is to ask our government to influence other world leaders at the G7 talks in June and the UN’COP26’ climate talks in November, to take action on climate change. Please go to to learn about the campaign. There is a video (below), an online petition

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St Justin Martyr

The feast day of St Justin Martyr. In this school half term week please pray especially for teacher training students at St Mary’s University who are studying this week for their Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies, and those of us who are teaching them. God bless Fr Ashley

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This week’s Newsletter

Please take the time to read this week’s newsletter as there are a number of items that you should know about.   In case you don’t have a moment before Sunday, please know that we restart 8.00 am Mass in the church this weekend, and that from this Saturday, until the end

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Rosary and Coffee with the Salesians

To mark the end of the lovely month of Our Lady, and hopefully Covid safe, the Salesian Sisters at 25 Village Way, would like to invite anyone who feels safe and able, to come to their garden on  Monday, May 31st, Feast of the Visitation, straight after morning Mass to

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Feast of St Philip Neri

Today the Church honours St Philip Neri, the 16th century priest who founded the Congregation of the Oratory. Many boys from our parish over the years have attended their school in Fulham. Rosary today before the 10am Mass. As announced yesterday the 8am Mass resumes this coming Sunday. God bless

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