First Holy Communion Preparation

It is time for parents of children who will be going into Yr3 in September, and those who are older but haven’t yet made their First Holy Communion, to sign them up for the classes that will prepare them to receive this sacrament. All the information can be found here

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International Day

At St Edmund’s, we have had a number of International Days, the last one being on 6th July 2019. They have been truly joyful and uplifting occasions when parishioners have come together to celebrate the rich tapestry of our different cultures. During the pandemic, of course, we were unable to

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Deacon Sean’s Village in Ghana

As some of you will know, as well as being a deacon here at Saint Edmund’s, I am also a chief in Ghana – not an honorary chief, but a real chief, with a real job to do. I am the Nkosuohene, or Chief for Welfare and Development, of Nankesido

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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

It was good that many of you who have been commissioned by the archbishop as special ministers renewed your commitment at our various Masses last week. As always, the dialogue in the act of commitment included a reminder to go to one of the days of recollection which the diocese

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International Mass on 15 July 2023

We will celebrate Mass at noon followed by a shared meal in the Hall. Are there a few parishioners who could get together to organise readers, Musicians, bidding prayers etc. for this Mass? We also need a volunteer to coordinate the party in the Hall when we hope people will

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This weekend: Collection of items for Living Well

This weekend we have our regular collection for Living Well. They are in particular need of the following: UHT milk Tinned vegetables/pulses/meat/fruit/soup/tomatoes Rice Pasta Biscuits Cereal Toilet roll Shower gel and shampoo Sanitary towels Pet food (dogs and cats) Tins that have ring pulls are particularly useful as not everyone

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Mass for the Sick on 24 June

We are so pleased to be able to celebrate a Mass for the Sick once again, at 2pm on 24th June, and happy to invite all who attend to come to the Hall afterwards for refreshments. Our local SVP branch is arranging this and it would help if they knew

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Parish Bereavement Meetings

During the Parish Renovation meetings held over the past couple of years, it was felt that it would be really helpful to re-introduce a support group for those who have been recently bereaved. The plan is that each group would run weekly for 6 – 8 weeks and the first

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