Claver Convent Garden Party – 8th July 2017

The Claver Sisters have changed the date of their 2017 Garden Party. It will now take place at the Claver Convent on Saturday the 8th July. Sister Assumpta says: We are raising funds for a priest in a riverside parish. Fr Alexis Harolimana in Ntokou, diocese of Owando, Republic of

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Parish Fair

There will not be a St Edmund’s summer fair this year. We understand that this is a disappointment to many of you. However, in the near future the Parish Finance Committee will be announcing an appeal for funds to carry out major structural works on the Church. Because of this

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Easter – Can you help?

EASTER VIGIL Each year following the Easter Vigil we hold a reception in the Hall to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord and to welcome our new Catholics into our Parish. The team of volunteers who organise this has dwindled and we are in real need of help so this

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My ChurchApp

It is several weeks now since the launch of our parish database ChurchApp and the part available to all parishioners, MyChurchApp. ChurchApp has been populated with the information you provided in our last census and, if you took part in that census and included an email address you will already

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Lent Talks, Session 2: Discerning Evil

The following is the text of the second in our Lent Programme of talks. It was delivered by Father Ashley in Church on 14 March 2017, and a recording can be found on our Webcam page. You can also download or print a copy. Next Saturday evening at Mass the

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