From Archbishop Peter…

Archbishop Peter has asked that all Southwark parishioners are made aware of these websites: The Diocesan Adoremus web page The Adoremus pages of the Bishops’ Conference Please do take a look at them. A number of links to other websites can be found on the Resources Page of our website.  

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People parking their vehicles on the forecourt without the express permission of the priests are continuing to cause problems. Our priests are frequently called out to administer the Sacrament of the Sick to the dying. A delay can mean they arrive too late. If you park on the drive YOU could

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Catholic History Walks in London

Learn some of the Catholic history of London. Join one of the summer evening walks in June and July. Visit some of the beautiful pre-reformation churches in the City or walk through the West End and learn about the development of Catholic London, or visit Britain’s only Catholic university, St

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Protecting Your Data at St. Edmund’s

New data protection laws came into effect on Friday. Our implementation of ChurchSuite, a church management computer system (which replaced our old paper based census) allows us to communicate with you in a more secure way. Please be assured that we only use your data to contact you with St Edmund’s news

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Life in the Spirit Friday Prayer Meeting

This Friday as always on the last Friday of the month some of us gather together for our prayer meeting which is held at No 11 Village Way. You are warmly invited to join us for PRAYER, PRAISE and sharing GOD’S WORD, from which Words of Knowledge and Prophesy may

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Visit to the Shrine of Julian of Norwich

A few of us from the meditation group will be travelling to Norwich on Friday 8 June to visit the shrine of Julian of Norwich and discover more about the life and writings of this great medieval English mystic. We will take part in a silent prayer meeting in her cell during the morning and enjoy some

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Claver Sisters Garden Party

The date will have been in your diary for a few months now and the Claver sisters have just revealed the cause for which they are raising money. With the proceeds from their summer garden party on Saturday 14 July they hope to raise £6000 to buy the equipment that will enable a group

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Our Church Shop is now open on Saturdays

The Church Shop is now open on Saturdays from 10.30am to 2.00pm! The time when many of our young people will be celebrating their First Holy Communion or Confirmation is drawing closer. So remember to visit our church shop to buy cards, bibles, prayer books, rosaries, candles and other religious gifts. Don’t

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Parish Day to Walsingham, Saturday 30 June

Fr Steve will be leading a day trip to Walsingham at the end of June. Details of how pilgrims will spend their day are still being finalised but bookings will be taken from this week. Please be aware before you book that it will be a long day. The coach will

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