Raise Funds for Us at no Cost to You

Help us raise funds for St Edmund’s at no cost to you through easyfundraising, a great website where you can help St Edmund’s Church, raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 4,000 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, ebAY, Boden, M&S and booking.com. What is easyfundraising? easyfundraising is

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Fr Tomas Creagh-Fuller RIP

Many of you will know by now that Father Tom died peacefully on Tuesday evening. He will be remembered by many of you as Music Director and a Deacon here, until he went to Rome in 1996 to train for the priesthood. He was ordained here in 2000 and served in

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Music at the Thursday Drop-in Cafe

The benefits of music to stimulate the senses of those with memory loss and dementia are becoming widely recognised and at St Edmund’s Drop in Café we enjoy singing and reminiscing through music most Thursdays from 2 until 4 pm. We also enjoy plays and pantomimes performed by The Rah Rah

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SVP Collection & Christmas Lunch

You may have heard the talk by SVP representatives at Masses last weekend. This weekend there will be a second collection in support of their work, details of which can be found on the SVP Website. The Beckenham St. Vincent de Paul group is hosting a Christmas lunch for older parishioners 

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Christmas Shoebox Appeal: Last Few Days!

As the autumn days arrive it is the time of year for our Christmas shoebox appeal! We are once again collecting shoeboxes for Blythswood. They will be distributed to people living in desperate poverty. If you would like to fill a shoebox to bring happiness to someone in need this

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Online Giving and Standing Orders

A very big thank you to all who have signed up for on-line giving through ChurchSuite or who donate monthly by standing order. Not only do payments made this way help us have a better idea of regular income for the parish but it also assists our team of counters by reducing the volume

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Join our Children’s Liturgy Team

Children’s Liturgy for our primary school children takes place on the second Sunday of each month. To make sure we can carry on running Children’s Liturgy for the children we really need some new helpers so if you could spare just one hour a month at 9.30 am Mass on Sunday please do join us.

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A Message from Fr Ashley: Leukaemia Care

Some of you will remember that our younger daughter Iris was diagnosed with Leukaemia in July 2017. It was a great shock at the time and the first few weeks were challenging, but she’s done very well and the treatment ends officially today. Our thanks to God for his goodness

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Sacremental Preparation for Year 3 at St. Mary’s

Sacramental preparation classes for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for children at St Mary’s School will commence in January 2020. If your child is currently in Year 3 at the school, you will need to register them now for classes via ChurchSuite: CLICK HERE. Registration closes on Saturday 19 October. No further applications

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