Father Mark is Moving

It was announced at the Sunday Masses last weekend that Fr Mark will be leaving St Edmund’s in early August for Our Lady of Reparation in West Croydon. Fr Simplicio D’Souza is leaving that parish to come here. So, it is a direct swap so to speak. As a parish

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Read the Pentecost Sunday Newsletter Here

Including: Thought for the Week – The Holy Spirit and Blessed Oscar Romero Life in the Spirit Seminars – Seminar 6 of 7 on Tuesday, 6th June Extraordinary Ministers – Renewal of Commitment and Prayer Days Parish outing to Margate Church Shop – volunteers needed Read the Newsletter: click here

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Have you read the latest ST. ED.?

ST. ED. was published at the end of May. Click here to read it. Distributors: please try to deliver your copies this weekend as there is a letter from the Bishops of England and Wales concerning the general election. Thank you,  

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Drop In Cafe – Laptop Needed

The guests who come to the Drop-In are a musical bunch and we usually have a sing at some time during the afternoon. We would like to be able to project the lyrics of the songs on to a screen and wonder if anyone might have an old laptop that

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Confirmations on Saturday 27th May

On Saturday 27 May many of our young people will be confirmed. We always have a reception for them and for their families in the Hall afterwards, which gives them an opportunity to meet Bishop Pat and to celebrate. Traditionally the food is supplied by the families of the confirmandi

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Clergy Support Fund Campaign

Thank you to all parishioners who supported the Diocesan-wide Campaign to raise support for our sick and retired clergy. Our parish has raised £32,000 for this special cause. During the last few years many parishioners have expressed appreciation for particular priests who have had a positive influence in their lives,

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Life in the Spirit Seminars

I would like to express my thanks to all who attended our opening Life in the Spirit Seminar on Tuesday evening. There were 129 of you and your participation helped make it a memorable evening. I have received many favourable comments on Charles Whitehead’s moving and insightful talk on God’s

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