Homeless Shelter Volunteer Information

Homeless people in our area need your help! Each year the number of homeless people keeps rising. Across London it is estimated that nearly 5,000 people slept rough last year. To help some of them during the winter months, a new winter homeless shelter is opening close by on 30 December. If you can give a

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Fr Steve’s Party

What a wonderful evening it was! The Hall looked beautiful, the food was brought by the guests and reflected our parishioners national cuisines and was delicious and the Hall was packed with parishioners wanting to wish Fr Steve well. A fantastic team of helpers co-ordinated everything flawlessly and we cannot thank them enough for

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Our New Safeguarding Policy

The safeguarding policy of St Edmund’s, Beckenham is based on the principle that everyone in our community is welcome and loved. We are lucky to have a vibrant parish, with many volunteers supporting our community groups. We appreciate that our leaders and helpers give their time freely and generously, and

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SVP Christmas Lunch for People in Need

The Beckenham St. Vincent de Paul group (SVP) is holding a Christmas lunch on Monday 10 December in St Edmund’s Church Hall. Organised for parishioners who may otherwise feel left out at Christmas, the lunch will be a warm, welcoming and festive experience. Other parishioners are also welcome. Pupils from

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World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday falls this Sunday, 21 October. On this day the whole Church unites in an act of universal solidarity in prayer for its missionary activity and in collecting funds to support the Church where it is too young or too poor to be self-sufficient. Forty percent of Church membership falls into this category.

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New Titles from the CTS

On the reading slope in the porch there is a small catalogue called New Titles published by the Catholic Truth Society. There are some delightful, inexpensive books for young children, which are perfect for them to look at during mass and which would make lovely stocking fillers at Christmas and for adults there are

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CAFOD’s Harvest Fast Day Appeal

CAFOD’s Harvest Fast Day was on Friday, 5 October. At all Masses this weekend there will be a speaker from Cafod and the second collection is for their appeal. Many of you will have taken a Cafod envelope with you last week which should be returned today and there are more

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Our 2018 AGM

Thank you to all those who attended the Parish AGM this month. It was encouraging to see so many of you (100 people compared to 50 at the previous AGM). The Minutes are now available: CLICK HERE  to read them.  

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NEWT: An Update From Deacon Sean

As many of you know by now, I am the chief for welfare and development in the village of Nankesido (also spelt Nankesedo) on the coast of Ghana in West Africa. I am also a trustee of the Nankesido Education and Welfare Trust, the charity I set up to help

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