Beckenham Street Pastors

In the summer issue of The Express, the Copers Cope Residents’ Association publication (copies in the porch) there is an article, reproduced below by kind permission, on the work of the Street Pastors who each weekend help to keep the people in the centre of Beckenham safe from harm. If you would be interested in joining this ecumenical group from local

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More Summer Holiday Reading

We have received some positive comments about Fr Ashley’s book list last week, so he has kindly provided us with ……… MORE SUMMER READING   Tina Beattie – The Good Priest Matador 2019 One of the books I referred to last week was a ‘Lent book’, a type of book

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Archbishop elect of Southwark – John Wilson

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop John Wilson as the 11th Archbishop of Southwark. Bishop John, the Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster since 2015, succeeds Peter Smith who has been  Archbishop of Southwark since 2010. Bishop John’s installation takes place in St George’s Cathedral on Thursday 25th July. You can watch the

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Our Three Choirs Take a Summer Break

The 9:30 choir will be finishing for their summer break after Mass on Sunday 21 July and will return on Sunday 8 September. If any one is interested in joining them to sing please contact Cathy Denne on 07956 914164. The Folk Choir will also sing at their last Mass before the summer break

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Food, Music, Song and Dance

We had plenty of it on Saturday last week, despite the heat and July being a busy month for many parishioners. Our International Mass entrance procession, bidding prayers in eight languages, hymns and the offertory procession highlighted the sense of unity in our parish. Vibrant colours and traditional clothes did not go unnoticed and

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A Journey in Faith – RCIA

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is starting a new course in September for those who are interested in becoming a Catholic or would like more information about the Catholic Faith. This also includes adults (over 18) who were baptised as Catholic, have little if any knowledge of Catholicism and who are

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No Parking!

Unauthorised parking on the Presbytery forecourt is once again causing problems. It is not acceptable to park on the drive and then go to do shopping on the High Street or in Sainsbury’s, or to visit the dentist or the optician. The spaces are needed for our priests and their visitors and those who are working here. We

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This Sunday – Saints Peter and Paul

Masses are at the usual times. Today’s readings are available here. There is a second collection for Peter’s Pence. What is Peter’s Pence? The Peter’s Pence collection is a gesture of solidarity. Through it every member of the faithful can participate in the Pope’s activity. It is an activity that supports the most

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