A Message from Fr Ashley: Leukaemia Care

Some of you will remember that our younger daughter Iris was diagnosed with Leukaemia in July 2017. It was a great shock at the time and the first few weeks were challenging, but she’s done very well and the treatment ends officially today. Our thanks to God for his goodness

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Sacremental Preparation for Year 3 at St. Mary’s

Sacramental preparation classes for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion for children at St Mary’s School will commence in January 2020. If your child is currently in Year 3 at the school, you will need to register them now for classes via ChurchSuite: CLICK HERE. Registration closes on Saturday 19 October. No further applications

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St Edmund’s Catechism Group 2019-2020

The Group prepares children at non-Catholic schools for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The course runs for two years, and children should be in Year 2 or Year 3 at school when they start. We meet monthly between 0930 and 1200 at St Mary’s School, Westgate Road,

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Follow us on Facebook

It’s probably the best way to stay in touch with St. Edmund’s: follow us on our Facebook page for news about our Church, and links to a wide range of relevant news, views and information.

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Mothers’ Prayers

In our parish a small group meets to pray for all children and place them into the loving care of Jesus. If you would like us to pray for any child/children/grandchildren, write their name/s on a piece of paper, put it in a sealed envelope (to protect confidentiality) and mark

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Deanery Youth Council

As Fr Steve says in his Thought for the Week, Bromley Deanery is launching an exciting new initiative called a Youth Council. This is a board of young people whose views and opinions will feed directly into the programme of youth ministry for the Deanery and will have a key role

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What’s on this Week

Here are some of the events you may want to make a note of this week: Bereavement Open Door is this Wednesday morning, 4 September, in no.11 from 10.30 am until noon. Catholic Womens League meeting is this Tuesday afternoon in no.11 Village Way at 2.30 pm. Saturday Meditation is

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This Sunday: The Spiritan Fathers’ Appeal

This weekend we welcome Fr Honest of the Spiritan Fathers who has come to us to appeal for funds to assist their missionary work about which he will speak. He will also be saying some of our Masses. There is some literature available in the porch, and further details on their website: Click Here Readings

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Our Church Shop

On Friday 16 August our church shop was broken into. A great deal of force was used to bend the grille and the delivery of all the items for Christmas and some of the stock on display were taken. All the entrances to the church are covered by CCTV and recordings made and the perpetrators

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