Easter Friday

This is the church of ‘Mensa Christi’ on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, the traditional site of the appearance of the risen Jesus described in today’s gospel from John 21 – the rock shown here is both inside and outside the church, where according to tradition the Lord

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Missio Red Boxes

Our Missio organiser Mick Denne has recently received a letter from Missio thanking parishioners for the sum of £789.12 sent to them over the last year. This is a great effort but it would be wonderful if you could increase this amount. If you would like to have a red

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The Road to Emmaus

Today’s gospel is one of the most loved Easter stories – the account in Luke 24 of the risen Christ appearing to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus; it’s also roots our encounter with Jesus in the Mass (‘ they recognised him in the breaking of bread’) in

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Easter Tuesday

Titian’s great painting, Noli Me Tangere, captures well today’s gospel reading for Easter Tuesday, John 20: 11-18. You can see the risen Christ holding a hoe, as we’re told Mary Magdalen thinks he’s the gardener (in some paintings he’s wearing a hat). God bless and take care Fr Ashley

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Happy Easter from St Edmunds!

A very Happy Easter to all of you. Christ is risen, alleluia! All our Easter Masses can be accessed through live-stream. Many thanks to those who worked hard to enable our shortened Easter Vigil Mass to take place last night – stewards, administrators, altar servers, readers and the chorale. God

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Easter Offerings for your Priests

As you will be aware, Catholic priests do not take a salary so they rely on your generosity at Christmas & Easter as a thank you for all they do for their parish. Easter gifts MUST be shown to be for the priests, so that if you give online you

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Holy Saturday

Traditionally on the morning of Holy Saturday (and Easter Saturday, by the way, is in a week’s time) the Church waits at the tomb of the Lord Jesus following the death and destruction of Good Friday – there is no Mass until the Easter Vigil this evening. The ancient tradition

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Good Friday

Good Friday – for me the Isenheim triptych is one of the most powerful and harrowing depictions of the Lord’s death (a powerful paper was written some years ago by Professor Tina Beattie). All our services are detailed on the parish website and all the services from church are live-streamed.

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Mass of the Lord’ Supper

Many thanks to those who played an active part in our truncated Maundy Thursday Mass this evening. Not to have the procession at the beginning with the oils, the foot washing and the procession to the Altar of Repose in the hall was a great loss liturgically, spiritually and emotionally

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Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday we only have one Mass – in the evening at 8pm (pre-booked places only). In the morning we have Morning Prayer at 10, live-streamed only and preceded by rosary at 930. The Mass this evening will be simpler than usual – no procession of the oils, no

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