CAFOD Afghanistan Crisis Appeal

CAFOD, which we have strongly supported in this parish for many years (and their diocesan office is in the grounds of Bishop Challoner School) have launched an appeal for Afghanistan. Details here:…/Emerge…/Afghanistan-crisis-appeal God bless and have a good Sunday. Fr Ashley               From

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Curry Afternoon with the Claver Sisters

The Claver Sisters invite you to join them for a curry afternoon on Saturday, 4 September from 1pm. Enjoy vegetarian or lamb rogan (mildly spiced with yoghurt), rice, sides, salad, and ice cream for afters and a soft drink. We can cater for a takeaway too. If demand is high we

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Registration for Confirmation in 2022

Calling all St Edmund’s young people who will be in Year 9 and Year 8 in the new school year, September 2021. Traditionally you would have been invited to enrol on our course after the October half term and start preparations in the new year, to receive the Sacrament in

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Solemnity of Our Lady’s Assumption today is one of the greatest feasts of the Church’s year. It’s worth remembering that like so much else this was outlawed at the Reformation; in normal times at least in countries with a strong Catholic heritage the feast is marked by outdoor processions

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Thank You From Fr. David, CSSp

Tomorrow, August 9, I will commence my annual leave, but will not be returning to St. Edmund’s after that. I will be taking up a new posting somewhere else at the end of my annual leave on September 1, 2021. Thus, permit me to use this moment to say a

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Afternoon tea with the Claver Sisters

The Claver Sisters will be holding a fundraising event in their beautiful convent garden on Sunday, 15 August. They are hoping to raise money to purchase bicycles for their catechists in Malawi. The Sisters will be selling tickets outside the church after all the Masses this weekend.

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First Holy Communion

This Saturday the last four out of a group of 110 children made their first holy communion. This brings to an end two months of weekend Masses when these young people were finally able to receive the Eucharist and means that all children who were unable to make their first

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