Car Parking on Sundays

There are changes to the regulations governing the Sainsbury’s car park. Parishioners who drive to Mass need to be aware of them.

From 1 April, cars will be charged when using the car park after 7.30 am, seven days a week.

The hourly rate has increased to £1.00 for up to one hour, £1.80 for up to two hours and £2.60 for up to three hours……….

Charges are collected by the RingGo app with its mandatory ‘convenience’ charge of 20p per transaction each time it is used.

UPDATE: Since last week I have been contacting councillors, Bromley Council and the Property and Archive people at Archbishop’s House. On Tuesday I was copied into an email from Archbishop’s House saying that documents from the file would be with someone by “the end of the day,” and I was hopeful. Unfortunately, the archivist only works on Mondays and Tuesdays so we have to wait another week to see what they contain. I have asked to go and see what they say myself.

The wording is critical and would have to be legally binding as Bromley Council says that they have no record of any agreement with the church over parking, though they say they are “looking.” The onus of proof is on us and I just have to see what our records say, before I can do anything else. The Council has said that if we prove our case there could be a permit scheme whereby we would have to register you to have a permit to display on your dashboard. However, they have said if we do not come up with legally binding proof of an agreement, “people will simply have to pay like everyone else”. Fingers crossed that the archives contain sufficient proof.

Fr. Andrew

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