Led by our Archbishop we will gather at The Friars, Aylesford for a day of prayer, reflection, celebration, and fun. There will be activities, for children as well as for adults.
This will be the centrepiece event of the 2025 Jubilee in the Archdiocese of Southwark.
The event itself is free. Our parish is organising a coach so please register your interest by emailing the Parish Office putting Aylesford in the subject line. We don’t yet know the price of a seat on the coach.
There will also be a walking pilgrimage from St George’s Cathedral in Southwark to The Friars (2 – 6 June).
You can find out more about the day, including how to join the walking pilgrimage, and the wider Jubilee Year plans in the Archdiocese at rcaos.org.uk/jubilee2025.