I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and New year. On behalf of the clergy and staff a big thank you for your good wishes, gifts and cards throughout the Advent and Christmas Seasons. May I also express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who throughout the year have individually and collectively worked selflessly behind the scenes to keep the parish functioning as it should. Without these people we would, quite frankly, be struggling. I hope their example will inspire more of you to step up and lend a hand in the numerous facets of parish life. Remember the more parishioners we have getting involved, the less arduous the workload will be.
As many of you will know we are now currently at the beginning of the Jubilee Year (24th December 2024 -6th January 2026), the theme of which is HOPE, (“Hope does not disappoint” – Romans 5:5).
However, what you will not be aware of is that St Edmund’s has been designated a Jubilee Church during this period. This means that the faithful can obtain the Jubilee Year Indulgence here. More detailed information about the indulgence will be on the noticeboard in the church foyer.
Last but certainly not least it’s my pleasure to introduce to you Liam Murphy, a seminarian, currently based at Valladolid Seminary in Spain. Liam, who will be staying with us for a month until 29th January hopes to gain some understanding of the life and ministry of a priest in a parish. My hope is that it will be an enjoyable and positive experience for him and I know you will play your part by making him feel most welcome.
Wishing you all a very happy new year.
Fr Steve