Natwest Bank Closure

Many of you will know that the Beckenham branch of NatWest will close at the beginning of September. Each week for years and years we have gone there to pay in our collection money, many hundreds of pounds from the votive candle safe and all the cheques we receive. So, this closure will cause us considerable problems and additional work, not least hauling a metric tonne of coins into the Bromley Branch or dealing with the limited banking facility at the Post Office in Smiths in Beckenham.

We are, therefore, asking parishioners (if they have not already done so) to consider setting up a standing order to pay their collection money directly into the church account, or to set up a regular payment via ChurchSuite on our website. If you need any help with this or have any questions, do please contact the office and we will be happy to help.

Bank details to set up a regular standing order:

Account name: RCAS Beckenham

Sort Code: 60 02 12

Acc No: 14282887


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