Marriage Preparation

In the Southwark Diocese couples wishing to marry in church are asked to contact their parish priest at least six months ahead of their intended wedding date. This is to allow sufficient time for them to attend the Marriage Preparation Course but also for all paperwork to be completed.

Our priests would prefer to be given a year for this and ask that couples do not set a date for their wedding until they have first spoken to a priest.

Parishioners born outside the UK will need to obtain documentation from their previous parishes. This can take some time.

There is also extra paperwork to be completed for those who are having their ceremony overseas or for those who have had a previous marriage. So, in short, as soon as you decide to get married, please start the ball rolling by contacting the Parish Priest or the Parish Office with your names and addresses and we will send a preliminary marriage application form to you plus a link to enrol on the Marriage Preparation Course.

If you intend to get married at a church other than St Edmund’s but you live in our parish, our clergy is still responsible for all the paperwork.

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